The Web Browser of the Gods
watch -d -n 1 curl -sv -b cookiejar.txt -c cookiejar.txt http://localhost:8080
For Gods who are mostly interested in the headers:
watch -d -n 1 curl -sv -b cookiejar.txt -c cookiejar.txt -o http://localhost:8080
Long Version
Curl's a nice way to analyse what's going on with a website:
When debugging a server running on your own machine:
curl http://localhost
If it's on port 8080
curl http://localhost:8080
If you're after a sub-path
curl http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico
I prefer:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080
-s turns off the information about download percentage, progress
-v adds the details of the header transaction
You can send both data and progress messages to a file with:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 2&>curl.out
Poll the website every second, highlighting changes with:
watch -d -n 1 curl -sv http://localhost:8080
Pass in a cookie thus:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 -b "yo=doom"
See the cookies that come back:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 -c -
Save cookies that come back:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 -b "yo=doom" -c cookiejar.txt
Or read and write cookies from a cookie file like:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 -b cookiejar.txt -c cookiejar.txt
Finally, you can throw away the document itself and just display transaction and the cookies with:
curl -sv http://localhost:8080 -b "cook=ie" -c /dev/stderr >/dev/null