Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ubuntu Install (12.04.1 LTS Precise Pangolin)

I've just made a new install of Ubuntu 12.04.1 on my two dell minis (a 10v and a 1018)

The installation goes a lot more smoothly now than it used to do, since all relevant drivers are already on the install CD, so Ubuntu just deals with it.

Unfortunately I hate the new Unity Interface, because it runs exceedingly slowly on these little machines. However that's easily solved by installing the xubuntu-desktop and logging into that instead, which provides a nice traditional desktop which runs fast.

Once the base system is installed, fix the boot process so that the kernel can explain what it's doing as it boots:

$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub

then run 
$ sudo update-grub

Enable the root account

$ sudo passwd root

Add the medibuntu repository, instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu

Roughly, what they say to do is:

$ sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring

Also Damien Cassou's emacs24 repository:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs

Make sure that you've got the latest versions of everything:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Install the restricted extras:

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

which is a huge metapackage that adds all sorts of non-free goodies. At one point it asks to agree to some sort of microsoft font licence. Sigh....

Then do:
$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
to give your new system DVD reading abilities.

Here's a list of packages that I always end up installing: might as well get them all at once. You can make a cup of tea while this is happening. It takes about ten minutes.

$ sudo apt-get install w32codecs gitk mplayer smplayer epiphany-browser chromium-browser maven2 xxdiff tree git-gui mercurial rlwrap vim-gnome nautilus-open-terminal loop-aes-utils xclip filelight htop gparted idle3 unison build-essential gparted imagemagick fail2ban kate vlc openjdk-6-jdk xine-ui arandr xubuntu-desktop feh xscreensaver xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-gl gnome-shell app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu emacs24 emacs24-el emacs24-common-non-dfsg aptitude emacs-goodies-el tig ack-grep

Turn the firewall on:
$ sudo ufw enable

to check:
$ sudo ufw status

Change the default umask so that files are private for all users

$ sudo vi /etc/login.defs
change umask from 022 to 077

(This used to be in /etc/profile. I'm not at all sure that it still works like it used to. In my user account I'm seeing a umask of 0007, and if I create files then they're group readable, so I think it's getting set somewhere else now.).

Encrypt the swap partition:
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
Change /dev/sda5 none swap sw 0 0 to:
 /dev/sda2 none swap sw,loop=/dev/loop7,encryption=AES256 0 0

and add cryptoloop to /etc/modules

If you want to run an ssh server (client is already installed)

$ sudo apt-get install ssh

Then go fix the config file
$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change UsePAM, PasswordAuthentication, PermitRootLogin to no
Also allow Port 443 for login over https port through captive portals

Then allow it through the firewall:

$ sudo ufw allow 22
(also 443, also fix the router to forward appropriately)

This completes system setup

Tweaks to a new user account 

In firefox install adblock plus, xmarks, and video download helper

Clone your repository from github:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "john@woc-desktop.aspden.com"
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | xclip -sel clip
$ git clone git@github.com:johnlawrenceaspden/hobby-code.git

Make links to .bashrc etc

$ ~/hobby-code/makelinks.bash 

(I used to do these under gnome, not sure what the equivalents are in xfcd/xubuntu-desktop):

System/Preferences/Keyboard/Typing Break to turn on typing break
System/Preferences/Keyboard/Layouts/Options/Ctrl key position/Make CapsLock an additional Ctrl
Use United Kingdom keyboard, with United Kingdom International with dead keys to type foreign.
Disable all the Ctrl-Alt- shortcuts in GNOME using System/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts
Make Alt+F11 mean 'toggle fullscreen mode'

Clojure/EMACS setup

Install leiningen (version 2, the packaged version is only 1.7 at present)

M-x package-list-packages then i to mark packages, and x to do it.

to install clojure-mode, nrepl, and htmlize, undo-tree, ack

(Used to be slime, slime-repl for clojure, but nrepl seems to have won recently)

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